Utah State Fair was held at Utah State Fairpark in Salt Lake City. The fair is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Fair takes place every year starting on the first Thursday after Labor Day and lasts for 11 days.
Video Utah State Fair
Every year the State Exhibition hosts other music and entertainers during the Fair. From the Grandstand Line-Up to the demolition derby, truck drag and PRCA Rodeo. The Fair offers most of the free entertainment with some larger concerts for a certain price.
Grandstand Entertainment
The Fair's Grandstand represents the best in entertainment for the Exhibition. The 2013 Grandstand Concert Line-Up includes top players: Plain White T's, Amy Grant, American Pickers, Love and Theft, Bridgit Mendler, 38 Special, Caleb Chapman Crescent Superband with special guest Poncho Sanchez, The Texaco Country Showdown State Finals, Kahuna Beach Party and RamÃÆ'³n Ayala. Visit utahstatefair.com/concerts for more information about artist, time and ticket information. * Most shows are free and only seat tickets are required.
Grounds Entertainment
Free with entrance gate, State Fair has entertainment on site. This year's entertainment will feature: Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show, The Great American Duck Race, Wizards Challenge, Randy Cabral, Freddy Fusion and Lokalgrown.
Gazebo Entertainment
Gazebo at Fairgrounds is also a free entertainment venue. Gazebo will host entertainment from: Randy Cabral and Freddy Fusion Science Magic Show (September 5 - 15), Cross Strung (September 5), County Red (September 6), Eric Dodge (7 September), The Hollering Pines (September 8) The Linfords (Sept. 9), Kindle Creek (September 10) and Lokalgrown (11-16 September).
Maps Utah State Fair
Living Art, 4-H Food and Apparel, Agriculture, Creative Arts, Pure Art, Floriculture, Home Art, In-Room Cooking, Outdoor Cook-offs, Photography, Animal Husbandry, Jr. Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Goats, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep and Pigs.
Utah History
Settlement Utah
During the 1700s and early 1800s the trappers and other borders passed through the Salt Lake Valley in what is now Utah. With the rocky Rocky Mountains to the east and miles of unfriendly, hot, dry, and salty deserts to the west, most of these early explorers and settlers found the climate and soil to be an unfriendly environment to settle down.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith in New York. Due to the religious persecution, the group moves further west, longing for the land to settle where they can practice their religion. After the Joseph Smith assassination in Nauvoo Illinois, Brigham Young led the Mormon pioneers across the plains and western borders of the United States where they could live with religious freedom and build their homes. The Salt Lake Valley fulfilled their wishes. But trials and troubles will be great.
In July 1847, the first pioneers reached the Salt Lake Valley. Although the land faces many challenges, this is the situation of choice for pioneers, although most come from the fertile eastern state.
History of Fair
How The Fair Came About
Because of the alienation of the region, for the pioneers to survive, it is essential that they become self-sufficient and provide all their needs. Thus, the main purpose of agricultural policy in Utah pioneers is independence and self-reliance.
The main instrument for implementing this policy was the Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing (D.A.M) Society, incorporated by the Territorial Legislative act on 17 January 1856.
Dam. The community staff consists of six persons elected in the first instance through a joint vote of the State Legislative Assembly. These foresight and vision people provide their loyal service without any compensation other than the joy of public service. Despite its charter as the agent of the territorial government, the motive power of the Society and the institutional and staffing objectives are provided by the LDS Church and for many years the president of the Union, and its board members, are elected or approved by Brigham Young. The first President of the Society was the Bishop of LDS Church, Edward Hunter who served from 1856 to 1863.
In the General Conference of the LDS Church, the semi-annual meeting of the LDS Church, after the merging of the Society; the whole session is devoted to the reading of the "agricultural sermon" action which explains the plans and goals of the Society to "promote the art of domestic industry and encourage the production of articles from the original elements of the Utah Territory." As one way to do this, the Society sponsors an annual exposition in Salt Lake City, "The Deseret Fair."
The First Fair
Only nine years after the arrival of 1847 Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley, Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society organized the first Fair and continued to organize and sponsor the Exhibition until 1907.
The first fair, then called "The Deseret Fair," was held on 2-4 October 1856 in a building known as the "Deseret Store and Tithing Office," in downtown Salt Lake City across the street from Salt Lake City Utah LDS. The temple must be built. Then in 1909 the Deseret Shop and the Office of the Tithes (the bishops' warehouse) and the Deseret News printing factory were moved to accommodate the construction of the Utah Hotel, which is now the Joseph Smith Building.
The basement of the Deseret Shop, featuring agricultural products including, "a big cock from Land's End England." Handicraft products featured on the first floor, including, "very handsome bridles, saddles and deer skins" and on the second floor are fruits from gardens and gardens, and household items.
Pride in exhibition excellence is sure to be a top prize for early exhibitors as most cash prizes are from.50 to $ 3. And "diploma" is the only gift given in many instances.
Among the winners for the exhibition were prominent names in Utah history, including Brigham Young, who was a $ 25 winner for "Best Stallion" and won the first prize for "Best Celery Exhibit." Other prizes include: $ 10 for best cattle, $ 25 for best fenced and cultivated farming. The Diploma is the only award for the best shepherd dog, great handwriting and the best ten pounds of original sugar. Other items featured are cheese, butter, tablespoon tables, swords and sarongs, cocoon bushels, raw silk specimens and cotton bales.
Although there is no mention of a carnival atmosphere like the current middle rides, arena events, or games; it was noted that on the second day of the Fair, "an exciting piracy game came, in one of the governor's fields adjacent to the city."
Beginning Years
To help finance the initial exhibition, live membership is sold. The fee for membership is nominal, but it provides the least amount of funds required and earns interest in the fair. During a membership trip following the LDS General Conference of 1856, a message was sent to all the bishops of the church who appointed them and their councilors to become Union agents and gave them the authority to collect two dollars in contributions from each member of the church. Over the past few years, member teams have annual visits to every ward and stake to request excuses from the Society and advertise the fair.
The annual exhibition sponsored by the Society also has a religious significance. Most of them are always held to coincide with the October OSZA General Conference, thus making the annual vacation as an outing to serve, "both God and Mammon." In addition, the initial exhibition was held on the property belonging to the church.
The diploma awarded for the prize exhibition in each field contains a religious symbol, "Observing Eye," with the inscription, "Holiness to the Lord." The Territorial emblem, the beehive, is also on the award with a background consisting of the Salt Lake Temple view as it will be seen when it is finished.
Since the beginning of the Utah population geographically isolated from manufacturing centers in the Eastern and Western United States, they have relied on the Society and its annual exposition to study new and better farming and manufacturing methods.
Dam. Society not only comes from the current Utah State councils, but also institutes branches in different regions, which are considered pioneers of festivals held throughout the state today. Exposition is not the only concern of the Society. Members register mineral resources and collect agricultural statistics for the region, work on reclamation projects that attract the attention of the civilized world, and encourage progress in art and science. The institute is also responsible for building the first experimental park in western Mississippi, Deseret Gardens, located at the mouth of Emigration Canyon. The main purpose of the Garden is the production of pure seeds to be distributed to various settlements in the Territory.
The Board of Directors of the Community does not mean the province in their promotional purposes or methods. In 1864, a delivery was sent to San Francisco for garden seedlings and fruit trees for Deseret Gardens. It is for the growth of the territorial industry that the Union imports seeds, trees and crops from afar such as Batavia, Japan, and other foreign countries. The community is also the recipient of seeds and plants designated and distributed by the United States Patent Office and then the United States Department of Agriculture.
The President of the Society is directed to appoint agents to the Territory to receive and dispose of the property rights on public lands that are distributed to Territory by the Morrill Act of 1862, for the purpose of establishing agricultural colleges and experimental stations. The area is regularly distributed to the Society for various purposes, including subsidizing certain industries, such as growing wool and sending representatives as early as 1869 to the Eastern States to choose sheep breeds for import. Communities are also allocated for imports of selected breeds, preferred breeds.
The Fair
During the nineteenth century the town was held irregularly. The Society's extraordinary persistence and determination to keep the fair and the Society itself alive in the face of threatening hurdles, is one of the clearest chapters in the history of border life in Utah. It was a starting point for a fair trade, but there were lean years when the pioneers only had a few exhibits and no exhibit was held.
The Fair Housing always presents a difficult problem. Over the years, expositions are shuffled from place to place, held in suitable places that can be borrowed or rented.
The first Territorial Exhibition in 1856 was held at The Deseret Store and the Tithing Office, The Social Hall was home to the second fair until 1860 when the fair returned to the Deseret Store.
The statement of the elderly Utah population interviewed for the Golden Jubilee Fair in 1928, told that the exhibition at the early exhibition was very little, but that the public showed an interest and eagerly looking for a place to showcase their home products, shops, and fields.
Notes from the 1863 Exhibition demonstrate this interest from the following awards; "The best boar, ornamental basket, the woman's straw hat, the best workbench, the picture frame, a pair of woolen hoses, a 4-year-old bull, a patchwork blanket, the best bread, cotton sample, door lock, mare colt, six brooms, six carrots, red cabbage, best map of Utah, best collection of gardens, best shoelace, best white gooseberry, best acre of flax, best Enfield rifle, best plaid flanel, best chocolate mare, best dirty game, best blackout shoe, two weave grass the best samples of soap, best initial peach, best turpentine, best peck potato, best handwriting, 2 females, decorative needle work, best falling pear, best verbena, best phlox, best butter, best marking, best Jersey, baby best seats, best sweet potatoes, best cotton gingham, the best wheat flour. "
These awards are listed in the order in which they appear in the historical record. Items are not classified as they are now and exhibits are displayed as miscellany of border riches. It can be seen that almost every art and industry is represented, showing the real workforce of the early pioneers. In 1864, it was noted that the directors regretfully decided that there was no possibility of that Year because of reports that "all the gardens are drying up". But they still do not flinch and the next year, they will try again.
In 1869, the new location was guaranteed for the exhibition and for the next few years and the exhibition was held at the 13th LDS Ward Meeting House, located in Second South where the Old Hippodrome Theater was later built. Animal shows can not be exhibited inside and moored outdoors to install poles and fences around the hall.
After the 1873 Exhibition, the 13th Meeting House Building was abandoned as an exhibition house and the annual exposition was held in a new market town building standing near "Market Row," at First South and West Temple.
From 1881 to 1887 there was no fair held because of little financial assistance from the Territorial Legislature.
The 1888 exhibition was held in â € Å"Tenth Ward Square, â € then became the Light of Utah & amp; The truckcar Company traction and where Trolley Square is now standing. The legislature of the year appointed a new council of twelve members and made free adjustments to premium enhancements and awards; although the 1888 fair was listed as "an unqualified success."
In 1889, the Deseret Region averaged only one Fair every two years.
Change Time
At the end of the nineteenth century, the Utah Territory changed. As part of that process, and reflecting the changes that are taking place, goals and traits are justly changing.
After Utah's recognition as a state in 1896, the Deseret Agricultural Society was under the direct control of the state government. The President and the Board of Directors are appointed by the governor with the approval of the legislature and the annual exhibition becomes the official "State Exhibition."
Gradually the fair is visible in a new light. It continues to be a testimony to the hard work and results of the land, but loses its religious meaning and it is no longer seen as a means of promoting self-reliance.
The Utah agricultural system has evolved from the local market and is no longer geographically, socially or culturally isolated from other parts of the country. The exhibition is now seen as serving public relations and commercial purposes. That is, "how to expand our market and state advertising agencies." The purpose of The Fair is not only the promotion of Utah but also the promotion of the entire nation. The Utah State Fair is seen as one of many state fairs that serve to "advance the welfare of the state."
Native History
Nine years after the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, they held their first fair in October 1856 then called the "Deseret Fair". Although exhibits are described as little, the public shows interest and is eagerly looking for a place to feature some of the best products from their own home, shop, and farm.
Until Fairpark location is currently being acquired, finding a home for fair always brings problems. The first exhibition was held at several locations including the Deseret Shop and the Office of the Tithes where the Utah Hotel is now renamed The Joseph Smith Building, a site on State Street in South 200 known as "Market Row", 100 South and West Temple, and " Tenth Ward Square ", where Trolley Square is now standing.
Even through the lean years, drought, and a little financial aid from the Territorial Legislature, the fair just managed to survive.
In 1902, the Legislature purchased 65 acres of Fairpark, originally called "Agricultural Park." The first building at Fairpark is the Horticultural Building (later renamed the Promontorium Hall). Local architects Walter E. Ware and Alberto Treganza (who also designed First Presbyterian Church, University Club Building and Westminster College's Gymnasium) designed the Horticultural Building, sometimes called the "Gateway to the Fairpark" built on the corner of North Temple and the Western 1000. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Fairpark, featuring a combination of the Early Mission Style and Beaux Arts, no exception to the incredible work of Ware and Treganza.
The Horticulture Building was renamed "Promontory Hall" in 1977 and is still used to exhibit exhibitions during the annual State Fair and host many other trade shows, concerts and events throughout the year as well as many other valuable facilities at Fairpark..
Although in the 1980s many of Fairpark's beautiful buildings fell into disrepair, and the land itself suffered. In 1988, many buildings, including the Horticultural Building, have been renovated. It has been condemned Exhibition Hall, originally named Manufacturing and Building Mining, was renovated and reopened in 1989. Now called the Grand Building, it is a major landmark of Fairpark. In 1997, another Coliseum of the original building at Fairpark was destroyed due to security concerns.
The legislature privatized the Utah Organization of the Utah Country in 1995, granting it to the board of directors appointed by the board of directors of the mandate to make equality profitable. That desire to allow Adil is no longer subsidized by taxpayers. The Fairpark staff work diligently to organize events throughout the year at the Fairpark to ensure there will always be a Utah State Fair.
Utah State Fair continues to promote Utah and its products with events by the Utah Dairy Council, the Utah Beef Council, the Utah Wool Growers Association, and the Utah Farm Bureau. Food Court "Utah's Own" serves locally prepared and prepared meals from around the state. Utah State Fair seeks to blend the best of Utah traditions and heritage with new technologies and modern ideals.
The Fairpark
The Fairpark, home to the Utah State Fair is available for many other uses throughout the year. It hosts concerts and events throughout the year, including the punk rock music festival of the Warped Tour.
Fairpark's mission statement is, "Preserving the Utah Tradition."
The fair was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981; the list includes 27 buildings contributing and 15 considered unhistorical, on 50 hectares (20 ha).
The Agricultural Building, from 1902, was designed by leading architects of Ware & amp; Treganza.
External links
- utahstatefair.com for general information and discounts and information about our exhibits and competitions
Source of the article : Wikipedia