Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

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Pannes salt and swimming pool is a water retainer located within salt and brackish marshes. The pool tends to retain water during the summer months between high tides, whereas pannes is generally not. Pannes salts generally begin when the mats of organic debris (known as wrack ) are stored in the existing vegetation, killing them. This creates a bit of depression in the surrounding vegetation that holds water for various time periods. After successive inundation and evaporation cycles, the panne develops increased salinity greater than larger water. This increased salinity determines the types of flora and fauna that can grow in the panne. Salt pools are also secondary formations, although the exact mechanism of the formation is not well understood; some expect them to grow in size and abundance in the future because of rising sea levels.

Salt pannes and swimming pools are unique microhabitats dominated by various species of halophytes, benthic plants and a variety of estuarine marine life that vary in composition due to various factors:

  • Substrate type: affects the ability of depression to retain water.
  • depth and diameter: affect water temperature and evaporation rate in depression. Shallow and wide ponds will evaporate to a greater extent than the same deeper pool of water that has a smaller surface area. The rate of evaporation also affects salinity, the higher the rate of evaporation the higher the salinity, with levels as high as one-third larger than sea water.
  • The location
  • within the intertidal zone, whether swamp or swamp is high or low and the distance from the low low marks that affect the length and duration of the puddle until depression is subject to evaporation and the length of time until the tidal wave replenishes the water volume.

These factors influence the species that can survive in various types of pannes and salt pools.

Variant pannies and salt pools:

Low salt marsh

  • Low swamp salt pudding

Usually without vegetation, which may be present include subtle cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora ), seaweed like knotted wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum ) and rockweeds (Fucus spp.). The substrate is usually soft, muddy sludge.

High salt marsh

  • Arrow-grass (forb) panne

In short, very shallow floods with moderate amounts of vegetation are usually dominated by Arrow grass ( Triglochin maritimum ), with the deeper part remaining probably nonvegetating.

  • Sharp of fine cables (short form)

Shallow anaerobic depression with poor drainage, poor water quality due to low nutritional levels and high sulphide concentrations and similar compounds that inhibit plant growth. Short form (6-12 "high) smooth grass (Spartina alterniflora) is the dominant plant species, usually found in high salt marshes, but sometimes can be found on the upper edge of low salt marshes.

Salt marsh mosquito panne

Minimal vegetation is often found at the top of a high salt marsh. It is usually deeper than forb and pannes fine grass. Usually flooded by the higher of two pairs of springs, holding water for 2-3 weeks later until it dries. Mosquito marsh salt eastern female ( Aedes sollicitans ) spawn on an open surface. Eggs dormant until next time panne flood.

Widgeon Grass ( Ruppia maritima ) - Swimming pool of seawater in mercury-prone Pools on semi-permanent salt height and permanent flooding. They are able to maintain Sheephead fish populations ( Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus ), Mummichogs, (Fundulus heteroclitus), and other small fish species that can be trapped in pools and vegetation benthic species. Occasioanally can be found on the upper edge of the low salt marsh.

Video Salt pannes and pools

Brackish water swamp

The brackish pare variant appears in the brackish marsh (short graminoid variant), one of the original dominant species is the spike of grass ( Distichlis spicata), some brackish pale pests are dominated by narrow-leaf cattail ( Typha angustifolia ) an invasive exotic species.

  • Graminoid mix - forb panne

The shallow depression is only flooded for a short time and is characterized by a mixture of graminoid and forbs variables. Commonly used herbs include a three-square powder (Scirpus pungens), strong bulushus (S. robustus), grass-arrows, creeping crooked grass (Agrostis stolonifera), love-salt spikes ( Eleocharis halophila >). Growing with less frequencies are red fescue ( Festuca rubra ), aster New York ( Symphyotrichum novi-belgii ) silverweed, saltmeadow cordgrass ( Spartina patens ) , and rush the salt marsh.

  • Panne is scattered around

Saturated, mud-dominated pitches are sometimes found in the transition zone next to the wooded plateau where they are shaded by branches of the overhanging trees that inhibit evaporation. This is the preferred habitat for unusual riverside crowading ( Ranunculus cymbalaria ), in which the prostrate colony can form small patches above the soil surface. Graminoids and other forbs scattered in the mud, or more often around the edge of the panne, including wild Virginia rye ( Elymus virginicus ), goldenrod saltwater chaffy straw ( Carex paleacea ) Solidago sempervirens ), bent creeping grass, New York daisies and fine cordgrass.

Maps Salt pannes and pools


Source of the article : Wikipedia
