Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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John A. Moran Eye Center's Voyant Biotherapeutics, LLC Enters Into ...

The John A. Moran Eye Center is an academic medical center that offers comprehensive, multi-specialty, basic research, translational and clinical care, an ophthalmology residency and fellowship training, and local and international humanitarian coverage. It is located on the campus of Utah University in Salt Lake City, Utah and is a department within the Utah University Healthcare system.

The University of Utah Health Care is one of only two academic medical centers that fit in the top 10 for quality by the University HealthSystem Consortium five years in a row.

Video Moran Eye Center


The Division of Ophthalmology at the University of Utah began as a one-man operation in 1979 with ophthalmologists and corneal specialists Randall J Olson, MD . In 1982, the division was given the status of the department and a year later. Olson was elected chairman of the first department. Today he still retains his position as Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. In addition, he is the CEO of John A. Moran Eye Center.

The first John A. Moran Eye Center was built in 1993 and is mostly paid for with donations, with a grand prize from Utah University alumnus John A. Moran. The 85,000 square foot facility quickly became too small for the growing departments, and in 2006, the Moran Eye Center moved its current 210,000 square foot location on Mario Capecchi Drive. Donors lead to new buildings including John Moran, the ALSAM Foundation, George S. and Dolores DorÃÆ'Â © Eccles Foundation, and the E.R. Foundation. and Edna Wattis Dumke. Moran has nine additional clinical sites along the Wasatch Front.

Maps Moran Eye Center

Clinical Treatment

The Eye Center Moran provides the following comprehensive and routine care and subspecialties:


Corneal disease


Penyakit Mata Geriatrik


Neuro Ophthalmology

Eye pathology

Oculoplastic and Surgical Reconstruction

Oncology feed

Optometry and Contact Lenses

Pediatric Ophthalmology

Retina Pediatrics

Terapi photodynamic

Refractive surgery/LASIK

Strabismus dan Muscle Disorders

Vitreoretinal disease and surgery

Uveitis and Ocular Infectious Diseases

Urgent Care (Triage)

Including its satellite location, Moran has more than 120,000 visits per year, including more than 6,000 operations.

The Moran Eye Center is home to the Utah Lions Eye Bank, which serves as a coordination center for eye tissue donated by Utahns after their death.

Moran also offers a patient support program for patients who face vision loss and their families. The program offers the following services: Orientation for Seminars on Loss, Individual and Family Counseling, Health and Behavioral Assessments and Interventions, Support Groups and References to many agencies that provide assistance to the blind.

Moran Eye Center says recent theft caused potential disclosure of ...

Clinical Research and Innovation

Moran's research staff includes more than 60 PhDs in 16 laboratories conducting ophthalmological research that discusses various eye and disease conditions. Moran researchers are involved in dozens of clinical trials each year involving more than 2,700 clinical visits. In 2014, Moran Eye Center was ranked seventh among the Ophthalmology departments for NIH funding, receiving $ 7,897,335.

Retina Connectome for Vision

The Marc Lab at Moran Eye Center, working with teams at the University of Utah Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute and University of Colorado Boulder, completed the first connectome dataset: Retinal Connectome for Vision. The project utilizes high-speed automatic imaging and automated computational map creation. To achieve this, Marc Lab built a special liaison software to enable researchers to view large images and track their connections. The tools used to build this connectome revolutionize neuroanatomy and are available for free to all scientists around the world.

Ocular Intermountain Research Center

The Moran Eye Center is home to the Intermountain Ocular Research Center, an independent nonprofit laboratory that carries deep and in-depth scientific research on intraocular lenses. In addition, the Center provides services and education for surgeons, clinical eye doctors, their patients, and intraocular lens manufacturers around the world.

Contribution to Research Facoemulsification

Researchers and students at the Moran Eye Center created a cullinator, a device used to divide pig nucleus into uniform rocks with the same density as 3-4 human nuclei. This published and validated model produces thousands or samples of cataract tissue that can be hardened or softened as a necessary study design. Processed devices and tissues allow new technologies and surgical techniques to be objectively evaluated for safety and efficiency, since the treated lens is a precise estimation of the human lens at varying levels of hardness.


The recent Moran Eye Center is a research site for AREDS 2, a major study on nutrition and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) published in May 2013. This is a follow up of AREDS, a sponsored National Eye Institute that is listed more of 3500 subjects and followed them for an average of 6.3 years. The researchers found that subjects taking antioxidant supplements consisting of high-dose zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene tended to have disease progression relative to the placebo group (20% versus 28%). AREDS2 is a follow-up study that enrolled over 4200 AMD subjects in 85 locations across the United States for 5 years trying to incorporate new knowledge about ocular nutrients obtained since AREDS began.

CentraSight telescope

Moran is the first eye center in Utah to perform the procedure of implanting the CentraSight telescope, used for patients with late-stage AMD.

Crosslinking Study of Collagen Cornea

Moran is also a site for Crosslinking Corneal Studies in US Columns. Cross-linked corneal collagen uses UV rays and photosensitizers to strengthen chemical bonds in the cornea. The goal of treatment is to stop the progressive and irregular changes in the shape of the cornea known as ectasia.

Moran's Center for Translation Drugs

The Moran Center for Translational Medicine (CTM) was established in 2009 to more quickly and cost-effectively transform scientific discovery into clinically effective diagnostics and therapies to blind the eyes. CTM is currently focused on finding better treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and has accumulated more than 6,200 pairs of eyes from human donors, mostly with a detailed patient history and genetic profile. In addition, Moran's Medical Translation Center has access to extensive medical family history records of the Utah Population Database, patient ophthalmology history, donor serum, and latest infrared imaging technology. In January 2014, CTM held a unique 5-year partnership with Allergan Inc. to work together to develop therapy for AMD.

CTM is directed by Gregory S. Hageman, PhD . In 2009, Hageman and his colleagues received a $ 14.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study AMD.

John A. Moran Eye Center | University of Utah Health

Awards and honors

Moran Eye Center researcher and physician has won many awards in this field, for example including:

2015 Phillip M. Corboy, MD, Memorial Award untuk Distinguished Service di Ophthalmology dari Hawaiian Eye Foundation ( Randall J Olson, MD )

2014 Charles D. Kelman Ceramah dari American Academy of Ophthalmology ( Randall J Olson, MD )

The Supreme Humanitarian Service Award 2014 from the American Academy of Ophthalmology ( Alan S. Crandall, MD )

Retina Research Award Paul Kayser International Retina Research Foundation 2014 ( Robert E. Marc, PhD )

2014 Rosenblatt Award for Excellence from University of Utah ( Randall J Olson, MD )

Proctor 2014 Medal from Research Association in Vision and Ophthalmology ( Wolfgang B. Baehr, PhD )

2014 Hedi Fritz Niggli visits professors at the University of Zurich ( Kathleen B. Digre, MD , the inaugural award)

2013 American Society of Cataract and Bedah Bias Binkhorst Lecture and Medal ( Nick Mamalis, MD )

Challenge Challenge Playing National Health Unit 2013 ( Yingbin Fu, PhD )

2012 American Society of Katarak dan Bedah Bias Binkhorst Lecture and Medal ( Randall J Olson, MD )

2012 Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence dari Universitas Utah ( Kathleen B. Digre, MD )

The 2008 Greater Humanitarian Service Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology ( Geoffrey Tabin, MD )

The Guinness Book of World Record's Youngest Doctor, Balamurali K. Ambati, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A. is the Professor of Ophthalmology at Moran Eye Center specializing in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. He also heads a research laboratory dedicated to investigating the molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels.

In 2009, Geoffrey Tabin, MD , Professor Ophthalmology and Co-Director of the Outreach Moran Division and Co-Director of the Himalayan Cataract Project were named Unsung Heroes by the Dalai Lama for his work to cure blindness. around the world. In 2011 Dr. Tabin also served as the keynote speaker at a dinner held at the same time as the Clinton Global Initiative in New York.

Moran Eye Center says recent theft caused potential disclosure of ...


Moran offers a three-year residency program (excluding transitional/preliminary years) approved and accredited by the American Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Direct training is a key component of the residency program, and residents conduct about 300 cataract extractions and nearly 400 other major surgical operations during their training, while being overseen by a faculty member present.

The Eye Center Moran is an annual resident scholarship recipient of the ARCS Foundation, a nationally recognized nonprofit initiated and run entirely by women to enhance American leadership and foster progress in science and technology. $ 15,000 is given to one resident in each year to enable the population to pursue the research focus and lay the groundwork for a productive academic career.

The Eye Center Moran offers the following Ophthalmology Fellowship programs for patients who have completed residency in the United States:

Kornea/Bedah Refraktif Glaukoma Neuro-Ophthalmology Retina International Ophthalmology

Moran Eye Center Offers Certified Eclipse Glasses â€

Divisi Outreach

Outreach Moran Division has trained 85 ophthalmologists from 25 countries since 2009. Doctor Moran aims to identify and train talented and energetic young physicians who will continue to be leaders and teachers in their home countries. The Outreach Center Eye Center division partnered with Anokye Komfo Teaching Hospital in Ghana and the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Nepal.

In the summer of 2014 the Outreach Division of Mata Moran Center leads a medical mission to Guatemala where they are accompanied by US Senator and ophthalmologist Rand Paul (R-KY). Moran was recommended to Paul by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.

Doctors and residents of the Moran Eye Center also provide charity care at low-income local clinics including at Fourth Street Clinic, Maliheh Clinic, and the People's Health Clinic. After identifying many clinic patients who need surgery, Moran creates Charity Surgery Days, twice every Saturday where low-income patients receive free restoration surgery. By 2014, the Moran model was adopted by the ASCRS Foundation for their Operation Vision Network.

Since 2013, Outreach Division has also provided clinical and surgical treatment for low-income and non-insured patients in the Utah Navajo Nation strip.

The Moran Eye Center Outreach Division is fully funded by donations.

university of utah moran eye center | Anexa Market


Source of the article : Wikipedia
